A Kitchen Diary of sorts with rather a lot of chit chat and some exceptionally useful recipes. Photos and artwork by Anna Vaught (me), Giles Turnbull and the generous people at Flickr who make their work available through creative commons. They are thanked individually throughout the blog.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

A favourite meal? A fantasy meal? A last meal? A meal to savour all alone?

By this I mean, if you and only you had to choose. If you thought no-one was there to disapprove -- which just might, I think, mitigate some folks' choices. And don't think it has to be posh. It might be Nutella on toast, for all I care. I am just curious -- plus I want to put this into my next book. Anonymously, if you choose. You don't need to think in terms of courses and, if you can write lustily about it, so much the better.

These are my favourites. At the moment, I mean. And amongst all my other favourites. All of a jumble and in no particular order.

An obscenely ripe wodge of  Brie. Or Camenbert.
Porridge. Big bowl. With golden syrup or --get this-- condensed milk.
A Masala Dosa with a coconut chutney.
A really good floury boiled potato. Must be the peasant in me. Or a roast potato. The one that got stuck to the tin and seemed to have collapsed. That was always the one I pinched on Sunday. My eight year old does it now.This makes me feel warm and fuzzy around the edges. Do you know what I mean?
A giant bowl of pasta. It should be spaghetti or linguine and the sauce needs, probably, to be Arrabiata or Puttanesca.
A lobster. A crab. A cone of winkles. A pot of prawns. Pulling mussels from the shell. Skate wings. Oysters. I'd be positively ferral. And I don't want the oysters cooked. Neither do I swallow them whole.
My mother's Sunday roast. Beef, with billowing Yorkshire pudding, Roast parsnips. God rest her soul.
Roast pork. Good crackling. Apple Sauce.Good rest her soul again.
My mother's steak and kidney pudding. With carrots to one side. And a pile of cabbage. Blimey, I really am from Britian, aren't?
A poached egg or two on thick white toast. Or possibly a boiled egg with the same. And a jaunty egg cup.
A bacon sandwich. Nothing else. And with the bread a bit doorstoppy.
Cawl. That's Welsh for soup, that it. With big hinks of cheddar cheese melting in it.
A giant pizza with a crisp crust. And it has to have anchovies on it.
A really hot Thai soup. With prawns. Or a really good Japanese Tempura. Or a proper Goulash or ...I don't know. Cannot decide. But I'll tell you that I love chillies.And I went wild over a cactus salad not long ago....
Just a few that came to mind. Oh --sweet stuff.
Bread and butter pudding, with the edges caught here and there.A proper trifle. Lemon meringue pie. Home made ice cream -- maybe with blackberries in it? Or gooseberry or rhubarb fool? Or apple or rhubarb crumble?

But what would you say?

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