A Kitchen Diary of sorts with rather a lot of chit chat and some exceptionally useful recipes. Photos and artwork by Anna Vaught (me), Giles Turnbull and the generous people at Flickr who make their work available through creative commons. They are thanked individually throughout the blog.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Green shoots

This time of year, I am foraging in our garden. Here is what I have found and eaten today.

To Libby, with all my lovex

My chives are about four cm high, so I snip a few off. I add to them the wild onions --look for the little green shoots growing everywhere!-- that seem to grow so abundantly in this part of  the world. Then I add to these some tiny dandelion leaves and some of the new sorrel leaves that are coming on strong already. I add this to a big bowl either of cold cooked chick peas and salty feta cheese, with a little olive oil, sea salt and black pepper, or do the same with some other white bean which I have soaked and cooked. You might try cannellini beans or haricots. That is it and it will give your system a fresh charge, I reckon, because raw food does you good. Hell, I sound like an eat yourself healthy cookbook.

The beans will be creamy and nutty and contrast with the lemony acidic twang of that sorrel and the little bite of the dandelion. The onions make it more savoury, I think.

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