We are having this for pudding on New year's Eve, where I am hoping it will do for six adults. To a two litre tub of some slightly softened good vanilla ice cream (although I happen to know this works with the very worst sort, too), add, say --and yes, I did use my hands here-- three or four handfuls of Christmas pudding. I've never weighed it; you'll just have to take my word for it. Mix it in well, add a couple of pinches of nutmeg and, perhaps, a tablespoon (or even two) of brandy. Mix well. I suppose you could mix it in with a spoon, but I confess that I knead it in with my hands, as though I were making bread. Just do it a few times, though. You want it well mixed, but you do not want the pudding to turn into a paste. You could add some slivered almonds and, if you like, some candied peel. Freeze overnight and, for gaudiness, just before you serve it, top with some more candied peel, some almonds in gold leaf if you dare -- and a sparkler! A Happy New Year!
photo courtesy of Elsie esq at flickr. Many thanks. x
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