A Kitchen Diary of sorts with rather a lot of chit chat and some exceptionally useful recipes. Photos and artwork by Anna Vaught (me), Giles Turnbull and the generous people at Flickr who make their work available through creative commons. They are thanked individually throughout the blog.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Marshmallow sludge (try it)

Something which I should not like, but do

This is something my aunts have tended to whip up over the years. You know, for what is known as informal family dining. In my family, this means that everyone comes quickly to the table and loads up. And then goes back to hoover up some more. This is the sort of pudding that might be on the table after cold meat and lots of salad if family are visiting each other. It's fabulously un-chic and, really, what my grandmother might have called common. And the thing is, I don't really like marsmallows, I dislike the texture of crushed pineapple and I wouldn't mind if I never ate a tinned mandarin orange ever again. By rights, this recipe should not work for me. Looking at the ingredient list, you might conclude it's not for you either. But you'd be wrong. I would bury my face in this. I don't make it for myself, though: I wait for one of the good aunts to dole it out.

I have this recipe, from an aunt, on a piece of paper which has been xeroxed. So it's getting on a bit. Word for word it says:

Large packet of marshmallows
1 large tin of crushed pineapple
1 tin of mandarins
2 cartons of cour cream
packet of shredded coconut

Cut marshmallows in 4, using a wet knife
Place in dish
Drain juice from fruit tins and place fruit in dish
Add sour cream and coconut
Place in fridge for two to three hours.

And then -- and this bit makes me laugh because it's an inappropriate nod to sophistication-- "serve in chilled glasses". Also, it forgets to tell you that you should mix everything together gently. The recipe is really not far away from the American 'Heavenly Delight', if you'd care to look. Clearly, this sounds better than 'marshmallow sludge.'

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